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Visual Novel Reader Is Dead Again 2018


VNR is a very cool program that can translate whatsoever visual novel text automatically for y'all and so you can play it even if you know nothing near japanese and withal empathize a lot of the content.

Hither is a tutorial on how to set up it upward and enjoy it.
Also check the Textextractor tutorial, it is lighter and has a simpler setup.

The features

VNR is a program that tin attach to a visual novel  and translate the text and a lot of more things. If you used agth, ith and other text hookers earlier y'all'll be glad to kown that VNR has a game database that automatically gets you a working /H code so you don't have to worry about information technology.

Users tin submit a translation for whatsoever text on the novel and in the absenteeism of that it can automatically utilise google interpret, baidu, babel and a lot of online translators to make a translation for you.

Too, in the image above, notation that the motorcar translated line has "Liselle" underlined… this is another cool feature, VNR has a shared database of phrases and words that tin be used specifically for a novel(like names and terminology) or full general phrases that appear a lot.

Finally, if you tin understand a little scrap of japanese or are trying to amend it you tin can fix upward mecab to make the kanji display furigana to a higher place it, making information technology and then if you click on the kanji a lexicon will popup. Information technology also has text-to-spoken communication to read the japanese for you want it.

And if you want a more imersed experience, you tin ready and so VNR automatically displays the translated text into the game instead of the japanese. This can also work with some interface elements and gameplay menus.


Finally there is as well comments, users can submit comments that volition popup in the screen at specific dialogs. Its cool to read peoples thoughts at the scene sometimes, merely for some reason 99% of the comments are chinese and the other 1% are korean so I usually disable them.


Installation is very unproblematic, but download and execute the program.

Hither is a link

And here is the site to create your user

I don't run into any existent benefit to creating a user as you can do anything, including submitting subtitles as a guest. But I created 1 anyways.

This site is non actually the original one, the original host for this program disappeared a year ago and this vnr.aniclan changed the program host to its own new databse. Luckly it seems at that place were backups as in that location are tons of older subtitles at that place. But some of the programme features similar the forum, or VN reveiws don't work anymore and volition evidence as "could non connect to server".

Setups, personalization and starting a novel

The first time you first the program the default settings are not very good. Firstly… it changes your cursor to a wierd arrows and enables subtitles from whatever language to evidence upwards. So it's important to configure information technology at least once.

This program works as a dashboard for your novels. It'll register the novels in a pseudo-desktop and y'all can offset the novels from there in the future if you want.

By default if you take the program open and starting time a novel it'll automatically detect the novel, link it with its database and add it to his dashboard automatically.

Merely first, some configuration.


If yous always lose track of VNR information technology should exist hidden in the taskbar bellow.
And then, click anywhere on the dashboard with the right click and go to preferences.

On the UI, disable the "Custimize mouse cursor" option… I don't even know why that is a matter.

I'll list the important settings:

Account:Set your language, if y'all ever submit a subtitle it'll be on the linguistic communication is fix on the account setting, too, you don't really need an account to alter this.

Embedded:(optional):Select the box "Utilise VNR's build-in hook instead of ITH if possible" to make it translate in-game like the second image.

Translation->translators: This is where you select which machine translation you'll apply. Some of them might not work. Anyways, just use " multilingual translation service". If yous accept an offline translator like LEC or Atlas you tin can use information technology instead, just set up the location on "Locations->translators" and enable them on the last boxes.

Translation->dictionaries: This is really important for those who want to improve their japanese, select "Display japanese furigana in a higher place game text". Blare are options to select if yous want higarana, romanji in a higher place the kanji or even romanji above all text.
Simply make sure to install mecab so this tin can work https://sourceforge.internet/projects/mecab/
Later on installing mecab y'all can go to "Downloads->dictionaries" and download some dicts so it can better display kanji meaning when you click on the words… totally optional.

i18n: Select which languages to block… And then you don't get random french and german language subtitles.

Text-To-Speech(optional): Select which voice that will read text to yous if you want. There are a lot of online text to speech communication, including google's. Some of them don't work, so click the play button to text if they work first if you want to use this.

Launch: You might want to disable "Automatically detect running game". Or it'll endeavour to register any games that you open.

There are a lot of other options and custimization that you can do but this should cover the nuts so you lot can accept a good experience.

Starting the game


If you first the visual novel with the default setting to automatically notice games y'all'll see a Icon of the game on your dashboard that you can double-click and start the game later.

If for some reason it didn't detect the game you can open the game, and click the grey "rocket" icon inside the dashboard, information technology'll enquire you to detect the game past clicking on the game-windows and its done. The game will be added to you lot dashboard for futurity use.
You can "Edit" the icon to display a more than readable name, it'll be the japanese game name by default.

After starting the novel with VNR if you mouse over the side of the windows a pocket-size menu will show up. If you click the "option" information technology'll display some settings similar wether to display machine translations, user subtitles, comments, etc.

If you click "Sub" information technology'll display a small bar bellow the window that you can submit a translation, it'south very like shooting fish in a barrel and fast. Just note that the translation will be for whatsoever text is showing currently.

"Speak" is used to automatically read the text to y'all. There are a lot of options to make sure that only narration are spoken or wether you want the japanese or translation to be read. You can fifty-fifty set up so each character on the novel volition be read with a different text-to-spoken language bot if the novel doesn't accept voices and you feel similar it.
Also, yous can center click on the line to make it speak too even without this selection.
Annotation: preferences text-to-speech needs to be enable for whatever of these to work.


Hope this helps y'all to enjoy more japanese novels.

I'll exist waiting to run across more english comments and subtitles on novels from now on.

PS: I've already submited some subtitles here and there. Allow's slowly translated novels together \o\.

Update: Setting upwards the text

I forgot to add this and I saw a lot of people request so I'm updating it hither.

Some games might not evidence any translated text, get the wrong text to interpret or even brandish gibberish numbers and letters. In well-nigh cases this is just VNR getting the incorrect defaults and can be very easily configured.

Most visual novels, including recent releases work fine with VNR even without needing Hcodes.


Right click anywhere in those blue buttons on the left side of the game windows and select "Text Settings". Information technology'll open a new window.


The text that'll be translated is indicated past the blocks on the lower part. At first in that location might be none so you'll need to play the game and when it detects some text information technology'll announced in those blocks on the lower part.

Observe the block that better corresponds to the textbox and select it as "Dialog". This will be the text that'll be translated.

You can also cull "other" in case you're playing an RPG novel. Sometimes itens descriptions and other informations are displayed on a separated box. "other" basically means that if the box with "dialog" is non updated, it'll show up the box with "other" that was updated(at that place can be more than one, it'll simply pick upward the offset).

Those red checkboxes higher up tin correct some texts when the japanese characters comes in doubles. It'll detect information technology and remove the repetition.


Lastly, some rare games might come up with gibberish text like the image above. This is because VNR is reading the text in the wrong encode. Past default VNR will open with Japanese Shift-JIS encode merely some games similar this one uses UTF-xvi.

To fix that but click the dropbox(upper arrow) and select UTF-16 to see if the text now shows up correctly.

After adjusting everything. Don't forget to "Save" uptop. The changes are already in effect just if you close this window without saving it'll revert back.

You just need to practice this one time per game considering VNR will save the configuration for yous. Except some rare games that alter the text thread address changes everytime.

Promise this tin can solve some of your issues.

PS1: When a game has an HCode registered on VNR and you lot launch the game displaying "Can't initialize HCode" on those popups, pressing the rocked button on VNR to resync the game later on its already running can make vnr input the HCode over again correctly.

PS2: In extremelly rare cases(old games) when no text are showing in the threads and the game has an pick for "removing antialiasing on the text", removing the antialiasing tin can make it display the text thread correctly. I've but seen this on a couple of one-time doujin games.


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